Junichiro Koizumi, Japan's political leader for almost 6 years relinquishes power to Shinzo Abe.
A big time Elvis fan, Koizumi leaves office after having done a lot to get the country out of the recession it was in since the last couple of decades.
Don't really know how the locals are feeling about Mr Koizumi leaving office but his personality and character will probably be missed by other international leaders as he definately wasn't your typical staunch/reserved Japanese high ranking official. The guy had a pretty interesting sense of humor....
Fare thee well Koizumi san.

2 lilsifi:
At 4:46 AM,
Fotu said…
Interesting news Tups. I don't know too much about International Politics (besides suspicions about an "Endless Love" between Bush and Blair) but if the man is an Elvis fan - you can't NOT love him!
Sayonara Koizumi :)
At 1:28 PM,
dasifi said…
This new leader is a bit conservative I guess in a way its good so that Japan wont be reversing article 9 which states that Japan will no longer take up arms to attack another country. I magine if that wasn't in existence we'd be caught up in a possbile NUCLEAR War...scarry Id want my family on the first placn outta this place.
Koizumi was a bit of uluka'e and his visits to Yasukini Shrine which is a memorial to Japanese war criminals angered many Koreans.
North Korea really doesn't want to go to war with anyone though it may now have nuclear capability its people are so poor and its economy in a deplorable state it just wants the US attention. It hopes that its new status will make the US agree to a one on one talks as oppose to the six party talks as it wants the US to lend/ give it money.
Its a silly way of going about it which in the end may achieve the opposite result but for now the main powers have been shaken up and are taking notice so in a small measure NK has achieved what last weeks test had set out to do.
Politicians they ought to be be fue by the amo Samoan style maybe they'd learn a thing or two ha!ha!
Thanks for your input bro always a pleasure to read up on ur thoughts.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
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