Personal Reflections:

"Is your place a small place? Tend it with care; He set you there. Is your place a large place? Guard it with care! He set you there. Whate'er your place, it is Not yours alone, but his Who set you there." (John Oxenham)
My place umm is this in reference to my current abode, status in life, financial situation or gender??
Coz if its referring to the apartment we are presently inhabiting it is quite small so its quite manageable.
Status in life: I am no socialite, don't even have a job. Still a fulltime student hoping to one day contribute something of significance to society in this case I am very mindful of my
Financial situation: where money is concerned my place is so small it won't even cause a ripple even if it wanted to.
Gender : but as a woman a wife and a mother I know where my place is and though my sphere of nfluence may be quite small, keeping my family happy and together is my mission in life.Knowing that the man upstairs has my back gives me the confidence to move forward even when there's trouble looming on the horizon.
"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies, for the hardest victory is victory over self." (Aristotle)
Now did this guy write this especially for me *jokes* but by golly this is so true. Some of the hardest battles I have fought over the years emotionally/spiritually have been with myself. Trying to restrain myself from overspending, over eating, watching too much tv etc etc the list goes on forever.There is this other saying that "there is more to fear about the things we desire than fear itself" is also true. Have gotten into trouble now and again coz of this. Must learn to discipline self and set good examples for my lil girl.
Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved. (Barbara Johnson)
* Scratches head* Jeepers this can be so difficult at times. Sometimes my husband annoys me and vice versa little things that, but sometimes its the lil things that can spark off an arguement. Afterwards you feel bad about saying stupid things and you wonder why you even went there. Slaps urself upside the head but the damage is done. Always gotta remember this one now.
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its strength. (A. J. Crown)
Don't I know this, especially when the bills come in all at one time.
I always wonder how my parents used to take care of this kind of 'adult stuff' especially when u think about how small the salaries in Samoa were back then. I guess the best we can do is live one day at a time, the best preparation for tomorrow is making good use of today.
So in order for me to survive the few years of school I have left I have to prioritise my work. Meaning I have to cut down on my tv time and blogging hours. So if I disappear for months on end know that I am still alive and kicking just getting some meaaoga
Well peeps that's it from me for now,take care and God Bless.

2 lilsifi:
At 4:30 PM,
Red said…
again, thanks for the comment :) Yay, getting all excited about being linked ... awww, its my first link ... lol. Go ahead and link it :)
take care,
Pom Fret
At 9:55 PM,
Peachy.. said…
Hi Dasifi,
Share the link for the "quotes" please... I particularyly like Aristotle's. Often times we are our worst enemies. Our own innate doubts,desires,suspicions take over the best of us. Thanks for sharing.. Manuia lava le weekend ma ona fuafuaga uma lava.. Continued blessings... pht.
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