My Life in Japan

The Ins and outs of my time here in Japan.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Congratulations to Nydia & Chee-ku Chu Ling!.

MySpace LayoutsDearest Nydz and Chee-ku.
In all the craziness of the past few weeks I forgot to congratulate you two in reaching your MySpace LayoutsFirst Wedding Anniversary. In between the Chu-Ling Family reunion, baby getting sick, clubs closing down and your boss demanding a lot (taking away precious moments meant for blogging) I am glad you two were able to have time together to celebrate one year of being a couple and of course deliriously proud parents of one gorgeous baby girl.
MyspaceGetting through the first year is always a challenge... adjusting to the new changes (when the yours and mine become ours and everybody elses) new environment (new address, bedroom, neighbors etc) and to each other but I know that no matter what, with baby in ur lives I am sure you have enjoyed the ride and is anticipating more wonderful events to come.
MySpace LayoutsMay God's unconditional love abide by you always, guiding, protecting, moulding and perfecting you in to being the best partners/ friends as well as most the wonderful parents Tinto and her future siblings could ever ask for.

Here is to more fabulous years and a life filled with much love, happiness and success.
MySpace Layouts

"Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience for the small ones. And when you have labouriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake."

(Victor Hugo)

Forgive an old woman for being remiss in such an important occassion. Belated Congratulations to you once again.

May your Myspace layouts be the MySpace Layouts kind!

Love always,

Your Beppu Fambam.


2 lilsifi:

  • At 4:35 AM, Blogger Coconut Girl said…

    Thank you so much Tupez. I really appreciate it. That's so sweet. You've made my day, luv. I'll be sure to tell Cheeku.

    Lots of love from us. Mwahhhhh!!

  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger Rowena said…

    Awwww Congrats (all late but still) Nyds!! =)

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