I am not much of a breakfast person but if someone were to make it for me I will not refuse (hope ur reading this honey..lol) Though I am more partial to

than bread (pei a e masagi, ISA!)
I am more a lunch-dinner type of person, though growing up I've had
"the breakast is the most important meal of the day" message drilled into my head not only @ home but also in school. I know this is true, it can start out your day really well. Good for your digestive system, you won't have to pig out so much during lunch or dinner rah rah rah but old habits die hard. Especially if you don't want to give 'em up.

Sometimes I play mind games with myself. In my head I envision what I want to eat (nothing extravagant) and then pretend that it is exactly what I will have, just to get my taste buds going.
The down part is that usually what I end up eating is a far cry from what I imagined but still the process was fun (or not!)
Today however, I thought about what I want to eat as compared to what my husband would prefer (but isn't getting) just to vary my routine. So here we go.

I am hungry and this is what's on my mind.

My husband is hungry and this is probably what's on his mind.

I'd settle for a hot dog with all the yummy fillings, smothered in lots of mustard and ketchup.

I'm sure he'll be just right, eating a super sized pizza by himself.

Wouldn't mind spaghetti and meatballs.

He'd flip for some of that local sausage we have back in Samoa.

I'd be ok with a big whooper and fries from Mac D's
He'd rather chow down on some KFC.

Would love some seafood. Sushi and Sashimi over at Meiji.

Malolo would forgo all that for a juicy grilled steak

I'd eat anything (well almost anything) and wash it down with some cold and refreshing iced tea. Malolo would eat just about everything and
finish it off with some fresh OJ

Now that's out of my system, I will now proceed to the kitchen, check the fridge and see what we have and whip up whatever, coz now I am no longer hungry I am starving. Maybe this game is not so great after all the mind is definately being taken over by the tummy. This is what happens when the weather plays up everything else goes haywire.
Gotta jet..laterrrrrrrrrrrr
9 lilsifi:
At 12:11 PM,
Peachy.. said…
Give me fa'ausi esi, tafolo, ma se oloolo ae aua ne'i galo le vaitipolo ( real tipolo from behind the house) . That's what you call real "grub" sistah... Ia, ae soia na'o mo'omo'oga lava osi nei tamaita'i fa'atauvaa. Soifua..
At 10:02 PM,
dasifi said…
suga I deliberately tried not to think about most of our local dishes aua ga o le kafe o le faua le mea e maua koe soso'o ai ma le fia alu i Samoa ha!ha!..but i'd give an arm and a leg for the "oka" raw fish my momma makes, salaki vi, koko esi, faiai fe'e, faiai matalelei etc etc...sniff!sniff!
Manuia le aso.
At 1:37 PM,
Fotuosamoa said…
suga, ka'i dop le pisi mai o foreign o lau page...i loike et right now aye....take care and konichua...
luv jodz
At 4:57 PM,
dasifi said…
faiga lava ia o kagaka ua kau padaken va'a.
Instead of workin' on my papers I am just foolin' around with my blog.
I seriously gotta get a life..lol..
You take care gurl.
Thanks for dropping by.
Love to you n Gui.
At 5:56 AM,
kuaback said…
mayne woman...
now i need to get to town and get some steak...lol
i swear i could eat all dat yummy stuff...except for the McD's fries tho..not my kinda thing...hehehe..
lafo mai gi ka meaai pea kele..
take care sugar momma and hugs and kisses for the lil princess
luv luv
At 10:04 AM,
dasifi said…
ur blessed with fab genes can prob eat anything and not even have to count the calories. As for me I eat way to much for my own good hehehe!
Ur Prob ready to head back to Hula Land Aye?
Take care n God Bless.
Alofas from this side.
At 3:04 PM,
kuaback said…
hehehe...yea rite gurl..
you know im all wit you wit the couting calories luv..hehehe..we was love it our food too much dat we was gant give id ub..lol...
and yeah..
im checking out dis blog mania from my lounge in good ol Havaii rite about now...hehehe..
how are you luv?
and hows the little princess?
hope all is well
take care
luv luv to you guys
SUPAJEN..lol..(oh strob id)
At 11:36 AM,
dasifi said…
good to hear u made it back to the privacy of ur crib safe n sound. We are doin' good..not so hot anymore but still have loads of work to do though our break is coming up.
You take care now.
Alofa atu.
At 1:47 AM,
Fotu said…
I'm hungry just lookin' at this post. hehehe. I'm a breakfast, lunch and dinner person myself... lol.
Take Curr :)
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