My Life in Japan

The Ins and outs of my time here in Japan.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Achmad Prawira Singawinata.

layout for myspace

Our precious baby boy "Wira"blog layouts became one year old today. It's incredible how time flies. He is a beautiful child full of life and promise. I just want to enjoy today and not think about the fact that his first birthday will also be the last that we will share with him as his dad is looking to graduate next March and then return home to Indonesia.

Baby boyblog layout

Maro picked up the birthday cake around 11 am Elsa and I worked on our card last night. Gotta think of a dish to make and then get ready for baby's Birthday Dinner.

blog LayoutsPrawira with his proud parents Chica and Indra Singawinata and friends Alfie and Ai Layouts


blog Wira enjoyin' the company as well as the fantastic spread his parents laid out for the guests.

Overall a wonderful night. Perfect all around. Many more special days for you precious boy. Weblog and will keep you in our image hostingforever.

Wira with big sis Ghati sharing a kodack moment.

blog Layouts

2 lilsifi:

  • At 9:29 PM, Blogger Peachy.. said…

    Hi Dasifi,
    I see "my clock", I just love your blog and the avatars/glitters... Keep it up... Manuia lava le aso...

  • At 5:10 AM, Blogger dasifi said…

    Gurl of course I was gonna put up ur for the avatars/glitters I have always had this passion for decoratin' stuff whether it was my school books/diaries etc.
    I have always loved stickers, crayons, highlighters etc.
    I guess the inner child in me still beckons now and then.
    Thanks for stoppin' by sister.
    Have a great week.

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