Today I am up to no good.For the moment or just before I sat down to blog I was like this little lady here. Layin' around the house doin' absolutely nothing. Am supposed to finish at least one paper but have no motivation whatsoever. There is like this endless song in my head
"got to do it, go to finish it, do it now!" but its message is not filtering through to my heart and then out of my fingers. It's like I have lost my zest for studying *truth* I am just plain lazy. I have the Procrastination Bug real bad!

I wish I was like this little guy with his googles and conch shell, hanging out at one of the beaches back home in Samoa. Not in the same attire but you get my drift. Collecting sea shells for a collection I never had but maybe I can start one for Elsa. How I long for a swim in the sea *its been 3 years my last time at Lalomanu Beach.*
So what else has been goin' on in my neck of the woods apart from my domestic chores that seem to be never ending as my daughter makes sure I have no moment of rest or peace for that matter *oh the joys of parenthood you gotta love it!*
It has been

pretty much this week, so

have been out in force. However umbrella's are no match for the

up at the University. As much as you need cover from the rain there are times when you have to close ur umbrella or risk getting pulled along by the wind. *One of the few times one wonders why in the world did they decide to build a University on the top of a mountain??!@* Many discarded umbrellas with their ribs all messed up is evidence of this.
Talking about umbrellas remind me of back home when it rains all of a sudden. People without one usually grab whatever is around that will offer some protection/cover and off they go if they are in a rush.
The trusty breadfruit leaf

usually did it for me when I was young but that was when there wasn't a lot of me to keep safe from the rain.. now unless the leaf is a giant sized one I'd be soaked to the bone in a matter of seconds..lol

Went up to the Cyber Lab to print out some of my material. Took the 5:10pm bus up and came down on the last one for Ishigaki 10:25 pm. As I was sitting there swivelling in the chair while waiting for my papers to be printed. I remembered when Nydia, Koyu and I would go up to the Lab to download music and movies. I can't remember for the life of me if there was ever any studying involved. The University is so isolated we had to come up with ways to amuse ourselves and pass the time so that was one of our strategies.
We would turn on almost all the computers to download whatever new movies we wanted to watch. We'd stay there until 12am until the security would come to lock up and we'd like pack our stuff real slow to to buy a few more minutes if one of our movies was almost done. We ruled the Cyber Lab. Most of the time we'd get movies with really poor quality and some had the right title but wrong feature film but it was fun *good times*

Back to the present: Met up with Patricia who had a class with Prof Berwick. Lisa and Elsa then proceeded to have dancing lessons inside the Cyber Lab. Early preparations for "Oceania Week" go girls!! There were a couple of other students there but they didn't mind. I guess it provided some comic relief for a few minutes.

Went to the library, never went there before at night.* How long have I been here now?* lol. Discovered that it closes at 9:30 pm. What was I thinking that these people lived in the building?? Well truth is I wasn't THINKIN'! The lady at the conuter asked me if I wanted to just go and grab a book it was ok. Well I needed books ..like 15 of them and maybe if I was Flash Gordon.. I could have done it in the few minutes that were left on the clock before it struck 9:30 pm. But me and my snail pace requires much more time than the available 5 minutes so I respectfully declined and marched my silly @$$ back out into the rain.

Looks like the rains won't be letting up anytime soon. It's typhoon season for Japan but hopefully we won't have any of those. I used to wish for typhoons to happen because we'd get the day/days off from school but now since I don't have classes anymore they are more an inconvenience now.
So now that I have blogged about practically nothing I will go back to bed, hug my pillow *have a lone pillow fight, hit myself on the head* and hope to be inspired to write an exceptional paper or at least a decent blog entry worth reading.

But that until then I will dream about... sitting in a rock pool somewhere dipping my feet in da water waiting for my cold drink to arrive....

over and out. PEACE!
2 lilsifi:
At 4:52 AM,
Coconut Girl said…
Haha...yes I remember those days. We'd spend our lives in that lab just downloading. Every pc was turned on, downloading songs and movies, or chatting with Tom...haha. And those bloody movies that were something totally different! Ahh those really were some good times.
Girl this was a great post. I don't know what you're talking about. If you're not in the mood to do your paper, then you can rest assured that you have done a wonderful post which I have enjoyed reading...and reminiscing about old times.
Love you lots!
At 4:38 PM,
dasifi said…
If there was ever was a formula for a human pick me up. Your essence would have been bottled by leading chemists and sold world wide. You are to the mind as music is to da soul.
You sure know how put a person at ease making them feel good even though they should be smacked upside da head for being such a lazy @$$.
Miss you girl really do.
Take care. Lofas to you Chee and truck loads of candy hugs and chocolate covered kisses for Tinto bebe.
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