A Prayer for Baby Leanne.

This post is dedicated to a little fighter by the name of Leanne Jemina Wong Ling. She has severe heart problems and the prognosis is not a favorable one. She is not yet 2 but it is most likely she will not have many more birthdays or get to enjoy a lot more Christmases and special times with her loved ones.
Please spare a thought for this little girl and her family and remember her in your prayers. Lord I woke up this morning and wanted to say,
"Father in Heaven, there is a sick baby who really needs your help today."
Then I realized that you already knew what was in my heart before I knelt down to pray.
That baby Leanne, has always been in your care every night and day.
But still I wanted to let you know, that I am thinking of this child as well as my own. And that there are these burning question in my mind and they are searing through my soul.
Father I would never dare to question your wisdom but the answers to these question, please I would really like to know.How does one prepare for the loss of a child Father I pray? Does the pain ever lessen, will it eventually go away?
How does one learn to let go of a gift so loved.
In our human capacity Lord can it be done?
Why are some taken so soon before their time?
How does one comfort a mother who may face the daunting task of burying her child? Leanne is very ill Father as you know.
But if it is your will that she lives God, then let it be so.
We believe that nothing is impossible for you.
Granting her another chance at life is something, only you can do.
But if it is your desire that this child be returned to the safety of your arms
Then may your grace be upon her family, enfold them in your love.
Lend them your strength O Lord, so that they can deal with the pain.
Let them claim your promise that they shall see this child again.
But while she is still a part of this world.
Father please Bless her life abundantly, this precious adorable little girl.Grant her much happiness, all that her little heart can bear. Shower her with much love and tender care. Allow her family time to store up her smiles and laughter. In order to build a vault of memories that would last from here to the ever after. Most of all, let every single moment she has to share be blessed with joy and fun. More days to be spent in the presence of her sister and loving mum.
Father enable her to be, with those who love her while there is time.
Let her fighting spirit be her legacy for those she will leave behind.
Take away the pain from her little body dear Lord, for a lot she has been through. Only you gracious Father can cure what modern medicine is unable to. Father in your gentle loving care we commit the life of little Leanne. We know no one loves her more than you do, and we believe you know just how much she means to her mom too. So Father please bless her mother and strengthen her faith. Grant her happier times and brighter days. To the whole family lend them your courage and bind them together in a spirit of Thanksgiving. So that whatever the outcome happy or sad, they will continue to praise you for the chance... to be touched by... and to be a part of ...the life of your special child "Leanne".
Bless us dear Lord, my loving family and wonderful friends. And from all evil may your hand defend. Bless our plans and all that we hope to do. May our hearts and lives belong always and forever to you.
We love you Father, in you we wish to remain. We ask all and everything in your Holy Name. Christ Jesus our triumphant Savior whose name we hope to glorify. Our Fortress, our redeemer the giver of Eternal Life.
2 lilsifi:
At 6:32 AM,
nannyboo said…
thank u sooo much tupe, u dont know how much this prayer means to me and my family, especially baby leanne...fark im so bloody emtional right now, i cant stop crying:( It is a beautiful prayer, faafetai ia te oe le uso mo au tapuaiga ma tatalo, may God bless u and ur family dear friend:) take care and much alofas to you and ur luved ones...
At 1:17 PM,
dasifi said…
You are more than welcome nan,
You're entry on lil Leanne was so powerful such raw emotions the mommy side of me couldn't ignore the strong tug at my heart.
I felt I had to do something since I can't visit her, a prayer is the next best thing!
Let us hope and pray that the Lord will take care of baby Leanne.
That she will get better if not then we must believe that our Heavenly Father will be there to lead her home.
Thanks for letting me in to baby Leanne's world. You guys will always be in our prayers. Much alofas from this side of the world.
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