Omedeto Gozaimasu Tama Sii Tonga.

Ph.D (Permanent Head Damage) Crew : It's so serious we can't even tell time. The watches are just fashion accessories.

The Graduate School opened in April 2003 and we were the first ones (yay I'm part of history...yeah rite) there was only 11 of us undertaking Masters then, 2 doing their MBA's and 3 in the Ph.D program Vili, and two other Japanese students Ai Sasaki and Toru??. Ai had her baby in 2004 and took a year off for maternity leave. Toru had to go back to work don't know much beyond that. So Vili had to tough it out by himself.
With no clear guidance and very limited financial help for research and the likes (yes yes we are APU's very own guinea pigs but are ok with it) Vili with the help of his supervisor Prof Mani, persevered and now has successfully completed the program. He is an inspiration to us all and God willing we hope and pray we can emulate his success.
Vili's final hurdle (last requirement) was his oral defence yesterday. After 3 gruelling hours he emerged exhausted but victorious.

I can only imagine how happy he must be, and his happy mood was so contagious for a while I forgot about the sad cloud that has been hovering over me since I learned of the passing of my friend Raponi. For a time all was right with the world again.

God Bless you bro. Will miss you when u return home but await your return for your graduation in September. We will be there to witness the official recognition of your proud achievement. A first for APU! The "P" (Pacific) always comes after the "A" (Asia) but this time thanks to you it has coveted first place.
"Malo le finau!"
Ofa atu.

5 lilsifi:
At 2:25 PM,
kuaback said…
mayne wat a smarty pants....
can u smart people share ur brains wit me pweeeze...hehehe..
congratulations tongan friend...and all the best with the rest of ur degree sifi can do it...teeeheee:)
over and out
At 2:58 PM,
dasifi said…
Jenz I'll prob need to hire urs for the long haul as this old and worn pea sized brain has served me well over the years but it is fast reaching its EXPIRATION date.
Thanks for the vote of confidence I hope I can reach that finish line with all mi marbles intact..choo hoo.
Yeah we are very proud of our Tongan brother send a prayer my way phuleease I will be needing like a million of them
Thanks for stoppin' by sugar.
When u head back to Aloha Land knock em dead!!
At 1:27 AM,
Tiffanie said…
You have pretty graphics on your blog. Thanks for the kind words on mine - it means alot to me, (more than you will probably ever know) - especially seeing how far away from where I live you ARE. :)
At 6:22 AM,
Coconut Girl said…
Omedetoo gozaimasu!!
Wow. He's really done it huh. Send him all my love and tell him I miss the beers.
Love love...
Tinto's momma
At 7:55 AM,
Coconut Girl said…
Hahahaha. I did not perve on Vili from L555. I was perving on the Pakistani guys. And the Jap security guard. Ewww. Dame!
Love you guys heaps. Miss the karaoke. Lots of love for Elsa and the rest of your "chudren".
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