To Tickle Your FuNnY BoNe!
If a picture is worth a thousand words then how many laughs is that??

Dare to be different make a Statement with ur Wedding Cake!
"Oh No You Don't!!... You n I are getting married even if I have to drag ur sorry @$$ shouting and screaming all da way to the altar!!"
Ask any mother and she will tell you how she can never forget the first time she felt her baby move. I don't know if this is trick photography or not but if this is real this mother not only felt the life inside her the little guy or girl made sure he/she was also seen. .."yep the I was here footprint! "..

"Crikey this is so difficult should never have gone to that ... love ur fellow creatures... sermon on Sunday. Howz a guy supposed to enjoy his meal when it just gave you a HuG!!"

"Hey lady u got milk my momma ran out?" Hope you won't mind I'll just help myself.. aight!!"

The latest in Swim Wear.. The No Tanner out now in a Flea Market near You!

Dare to be different make a Statement with ur Wedding Cake!

"Oh No You Don't!!... You n I are getting married even if I have to drag ur sorry @$$ shouting and screaming all da way to the altar!!"
Ask any mother and she will tell you how she can never forget the first time she felt her baby move. I don't know if this is trick photography or not but if this is real this mother not only felt the life inside her the little guy or girl made sure he/she was also seen. .."yep the I was here footprint! "..

"Crikey this is so difficult should never have gone to that ... love ur fellow creatures... sermon on Sunday. Howz a guy supposed to enjoy his meal when it just gave you a HuG!!"

"Hey lady u got milk my momma ran out?" Hope you won't mind I'll just help myself.. aight!!"

The latest in Swim Wear.. The No Tanner out now in a Flea Market near You!

"Have a great weekend!!"

3 lilsifi:
At 5:25 AM,
Fotu said…
These flicks are hilarious. Especially the wedding cake one! Thanks for the laugh.
:) Manuia le vaiaso.
At 8:16 AM,
Tia said…
The baby and the statue's priceless!hahaha...and where can I get a pair of them bikinis?heh.
Stob YOA six-piece!:)
At 12:13 PM,
dasifi said…
ask Fotu to send u ova a pair when she gets to hula land I hear its da rage over dere
someday oneday when ur ready to walk down dat aisle I can provide the top piece for ur wedding cake.
stobbit laia.
Thanks ladies for troppi' bai.
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