The Love Goes On & The Fun Continues

I was touched , deeply moved as it was a first for me in the presence of others.
I gave my humble, heartfelt thanks to everyone for all the prayers, best wishes and prezzies.

- preediful brainiac Nydia of Malie momma of angel bebe Tino Chu Ling.
- sexy Jenz Hawaii/Samoa)
- glamour gal Fotu.V (soon to be of Hawaii/Samoa)
- classy J.J FotuoSamoa (New Zealand/Samoa)
- oh well Colorado Springs/Fagaalu Am Samoa.
- my lovely Jen Jen in Saga,
- my beautiful Loma in Kurume
- sweet Bessie in Tokushima
- darling Nara up in Tokyo
- Sassy Brenna in Kumamoto
- hearthrob Faafetai in Karatsu
- dear Anna Dobrovolskaia Russia/Creo Heights
- fabulous Icha Indonesia/Ishigaki
- delightful Ayako Hiwasa of AP House.
- King and Queen of Lalovaea Manfred and Puaina Pfeiffer of Stuttgart Germany
- Koli, Elenoa & Tiapepe Uiagalelei of Futiga Am Samoa
- niece April Esera of Iliili Am Samoa
- nieces, Lemina, KJ & Line brother Esera (Samoa.)
Honto Ni Arigato Gozaimashita!

Elsa dozed off so we were all able to enjoy the match.
After the game I could not go to sleep so me and Maro stayed up to watch tv. Good line up though : Revelation, Bones, CSI Miami.
6:00am had our morning devotion and personal quiet time. 7:00am went to sleep. It was Saturday so it was ok to sleep in. Got up around 2pm it was such a lovely day compared to the rest of the week which was mostly cloudy with scattered rain here n there.Earlier on in the week the weather chanel predicted that there was the possibility of a typhoon coming our way but I guess the Lord thought otherwise.
We took advantage of the fabulous day so Ata drove us to Oita. Browsed the malls lookin' for some big clothes for Maro as either his ones are shrinking from the wash or he is gaining a lot of weight but because he is tall it's not so obvious.

On with the story:
Had ice cream at Baskins n Robbins oh yeah! Came home, ate some more... Malolo made us corned beef stirfry like how we do it back home with chinese cabbage etc yummm... Full and content I entered Slumberland again. I conked out for a couple of hours and now I am up again.Ata and the girls (Tintin, Huong, Lisa??)have gone to Oita to Cool Banana to be precise,last night was Sugar Party but there still may be a few brave souls who'd venture out tonite.

A little unsettled as I don't have 'em japanese songs down yet. Have to get up early and practice. Malolo is waiting for the replay of the Crusader vs Bulls game might stay up to watch if I have the energy. I already know who's gonna win so I wont be mising out on much.
Well that's it from me for now.
Wishing everybody a Safe and Happy Weekend.

From the family here in Japan a gift in the form of a prayer. Much alofa's to you all.

2 lilsifi:
At 2:54 AM,
Peachy.. said…
Hi Dasifi,
I can see you've been spoiled rotten. Goes without saying, " E alofagia lava le tagata e amio tausa'afia." I feel I've gotten to know you just by your posts. Love the pictures, you have a very beautiful family- Her father is going to have to fight off the boys pretty soon... Manuia...
At 3:11 AM,
dasifi said…
oh well??? thanks dear for the kind words.
I still am overwhelmed by all the attention, love, prezzies and well wishes I received not only for Mother's Day but my birthday as well. I am so grateful to God for all that I have been blessed with and that includes wonderful people such as yourself and the rest of our little blogging community.
Manuia tele le vaiaso.
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