One Year Older Hopefully Wiser!

After a while I realized just how silly I was instead of being grateful I was complaining as if I was getting penalized for being alive.
So I got rid of my negative attitude and actually looked forward to each birthday. Counting the many blessings I have received since the last time I celebrated the day I came into the world.Instead of looking at the number I actually looked at what I had achieved so far as well as think about what I am about to do with the new year that I have been given.

This new system has allowed me to fully understand that saying "Age is Mind Over Matter If you Dont Mind it does not Matter because its not so much the numners of years you have lived.. its more like how you have lived and what you have done with the years alloted to you....Ok I think I have just confused myself ha!ha! but somehow I know you get my gist..

I have had the most awesome Mother's Day ever and to top it off my husband took the day off so that he could spend my Birthday with me. He bought me a new digi-camera with the help of Jen Jen: A Sony DSC-T5 with 5.1 Mega pixels. I am not a technical person so I dont really know what this gadget can do all I know is that its new, has a nice silvery color and it takes really nice pictures.. ( I know I am so lame but really grateful)

My darling husband prepared dinner for me and the fambam but I had to finish it off as he had to go back to the camera house to get them to set the darn thing as all the instructions are all in Japanese nice......

Anyways I am not complaining I am just real siked about my new toy for the year.
- Patricia Margot Florance Catherine (Lisa) and the rest of my children got me flowers...the lovely bouquet in the foto and my sweet card which was signed by our friends up @ school
- Tintin took charge of my AwEsOmE birthday cake.
- Brother Indra, sister Chica and baby Wira got me this beautiful Indonesian shawl.
- Huong got me a Lacome Perfume Set
- brother Kaituu send a sweet message.
- Felise n Shiori chan got me a new blouse.It's amazing how they were able to find something nice that would actually fit me here in
- My son Mitchell got me a lovely flower arrangement.

Somebody is gonna look flash on Sunday and smelling like a Spring fairy..ok seriously i don't know if there are such things as fairies n if there are what they'd smell like.. har har but all in all I had a lovely day and I can not thank everybody enough for making me feel so loved and special. I am really touched and overwhelmed by the best wishes sent in, prayers, kisses n hugs.

Once again to all of you near and far who have given my life so much joy.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Birthday resolutions still undecided: I am still torn between eat less and sleep more or eat more and sleep less. But eat more and sleep even more is begining to sound better and better but in all seriousness I will definately try to eat less and sleep less but If u were to invite me to ur birthday party I'll throw everything out the window and just enjoy all the yummy food as for sleep I can always find a secluded corner to curl up while I wait for my food to digest then we can start all over again (Jokes) Have a Nice One.

8 lilsifi:
At 5:55 AM,
Fotu said…
Looks like you had a lovely celebration :) Enjoy your Digi-cam.
God Bless
ps - is that Felise Vaa? We were in UPY together!
pps - Do you know of a Atagai Esera there in Japan? We were at Vic Uni together!
Say hello to the Samoans from me :)
At 12:01 PM,
kuaback said…
hapi birthday and many many more great birthdays to come...
lucky cow got a digiCam..shoots..i like one..hehe
take care momma and regards to that monkey felise ...
ps: hey dose twin asian looking bois i c in your fotos..they from hawaii rite??...i used to go skool wit them
At 2:46 PM,
dasifi said…
Thanks Fotu dear,
I am enjoyin' my digi-cam to da max poor thing prob won't last 3 months hopefully the warranty can stand up to da probs it will soon have lol.. Yep that is Mr Felise Paulo Saigo Vaa. He started his Master's last month.
Ata is here for her two years as a English Teacher. Will ceryainly pass on ur regards to them.
Thanks Jenny girl
Thats Felise's others half holding the cake.
Ur rite the twins/rather triplets are from Hawaii their dad used to be a Prof at UH but now has a post here in our Uni. Mike and Ron are here but Patrick is still in Aloha Land I guess three of something is a bit much for some people
Take care girl and continue to have lots of fun.
At 11:53 PM,
dasifi said…
Yes my dear Jen Jen we are all lookin' forward to JRO's big day. If you can make it for the camp Friday that will be celebration 1: Thanking God for your life.
Saturday : Celebration 2 partaayy chillin' with the peeps
Sunday Ce :lebration 3, Ai ia pa with la familia.
Can't wait...
At 5:05 AM,
Coconut Girl said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!! Go shorty, it's your tanjoobi. Hehe.
Awww...I missed it. I'm glad you were pampered and adored on your you should be every day.
Gawd can you tell Shiori to fix up Felise's hair and clean him up. He looks like the same old faigaelo he used to be...don't even remind me about his room. Lol.
What's Ron's email? And where's Pakulisa these days?
At 7:46 PM,
dasifi said…
oka se unkind o le keige lea. Se ua feololo le kama o lea ua shower every other day*jokes* Man u n Edna used to scare him with ur okes n random visits to his room threatening to throw everything out friends Lisa is fine I will ask her for Loga's email addy k. Have a good week n kiss Tino for me.
At 11:05 AM,
Fotuosamoa said…
okay, call me overtly outdated, but ummmm.....Happppppyyyyy Birthday to YOU....
i know, its a bit of a mafu greeting now, but i figured, got bombarded on the day so i might as well do it later...(whadda lame excuse i know!)...anyhow, all the best with your studies, family (gorgeous one too!!) and everything that youre doing...ALofa le ATua faaopopo aso se tele o lou olaga,
alofaaga mai ou aiga uma i samoa, savaii, new zealand ma apolima.
And keep them intelligent thoughts flowing!!!
At 3:51 PM,
dasifi said…
Thanks Fotu dear,
One can never get enuff of 'em well wishes. I will gladly take them anytime. Have a great week.
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