What we have to look forward to...*jokes*

Not quite the scenario or picture you envisioned of u and your loved one growing old together aye?
Well you know what they say... " Different strokes for different folks!"
Some of us if we are lucky will just grow old, then there are those fortunate ones who have the together part down to T. As for the rest we're just gonna have to find that other half first and then decide if we wanna do both together..*jokes*

So I say live well coz we might not live long and live close by even if we can't live together but most of all just live we all have different ideas on how to do it but as long as we live happy, healthy and productive lives we can figure out how to make the most of it (ie:find out what gives meaning to ur lives..family, work, faith, etc) as we each go through our respective journeys.
Have a great one people. Over and out.

6 lilsifi:
At 7:30 AM,
Fotu said…
Amen to that girl.
Heres to living well and loving long dymes!
Cheers girl,
At 10:38 AM,
Peachy.. said…
Might I ask- a prosperous and purposeful life- to the brim until it overflows.. TTYL..
At 7:50 PM,
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At 10:58 AM,
Coconut Girl said…
oka how rude le keige lea o kate. koso mai ii sei kiki le guku. lol.
I was thumbs up, hands up, skirt up (lol) this post. As long as we live happy and make find meaning in our lives.
Hugs n kisses to Elsa. And hi to all the scumbags at APU. Heh.
At 5:16 PM,
dasifi said…
lol @ kiki le guku o si keige o Kate. Ia faapea lava si mea o kagaka uma o le lalolagi e lonely pei o ia. But not to worry we have our men and our bebe's no need to browse the singles sites.
I think she strayed on to my blog by mistake but I will offer a prayer for her soul anyways..rofl..
U take care girl and I love 'em photos of Tino. Oka she knows how to work the camera. Elsa used to love being photographed now she runs whenever she sees me take out my digi-cam kalofa e isi mea.
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