Fun Packed Weekend.

As weekends go this one was quite fun..well we try to make every weekend fun but this was one of those special ones that you tuck away in ur memory vault and bring it out when occassion warrants it. Friday 28th we finally got our stipends for the month. (Mombusho has not been holding out on us I guess they just wanted to have all of us new/old students receive it at the same time***raised eyebrow.) It has been a long dry spell (we received our last one 22nd March) but luckily we have been quite good at stretching the odd buck.

So of course after all the expenses were sorted out ( a few adjustments had to be made as the monthly allowance has decreased from 175,000 yen to a 172,000)we concentrated on our preparations for "The Freshmen Party".
: Mental note it was 180,000 yen when I arrived in the Spring of 2003, by the fall semester of the same year they informed us it was going to be decreased to a 175,000 and now it has dropped again huummm!!..) As mentioned in an earlier entry every Friday night my family and I attend this Bible Study at the Kamegawa Kuominkan. A Professor from the Philippines Dr Francisco Fellizar and his wife Dr Nectarinia have become our surrogate parents, helping us not only with our spiritual growth but also love and guidance as we go through our studies.

At the begining of every academic year we try to host a little welcome party for the new students. To let them know that there is a support group willing to help those who are homesick. Those who are open to a new outlook on life, willing to make new friends and be part of a bigger family.
Also its a contact base for those who are already Christians who want to find a church they can go to here in Beppu. We had one last year and the turn out was really good but this time was even better.It was great that many who were interested in learning about the Bible and Christianity were able to make it though the scrumptious dinner was also a great pull factor (We Samoans are not the only ones who know how to work a free dinner!)

The music was great, worship time was outta this world and as I have said before.. diner was fantabulous (oggay just made that one up)We got to meet many of the first year students, Elsa made her rounds and coveted alot of goodies from here and there and I just praised the Lord for a wonderful gathering.
We sang "Happy Birthday" for Erlyn who turned 21 the day before. Tim from Oita entertained us with his version of Stand by Me.
Jenny and Ata put on a special number, P.Town reprezent!!!The Jenny and Linny combination worked its magic again, Jinggo and the boyz were awesome and we all had a really good time.
Praise the Lord.

Saturday morning: 29th April

- Malolo cleaned our house mi n my lazy a** wuz still sleepin'
- Jenny and Tu'u went to judge some English Speech Competition for Kumon
- Lisa was supposed to have her class with her student.
- Ata picked up Felise and Shiori and we all headed down to our next favourite place..Karaoke @ UtaUdo.
- Maro, Felise n Ata played pool.
- Shiori, Elsa n I went to the karaoke room and did our thang..
- Ata, and her other ALT friends Nikki and Kevin joined us for the last hour.
- We all went to Oita-City to Don Quixote's ooh lalalala..This place has all 'em goodies that we miss like Real MnM's, Doritos, Honey Roasted Peanuts, Tim Tams etc..

Came home and the kids had their party next door.
Jen picked up Ron and Michael,
Kilika and Tina who were in Oita also joined.
Mitch was studying so he could not make it. Goodo boyo!!
Elsa n I watched "Old School" by the Laughing Samoans. Tofinga is really funny..
Malolo joined the party and as usual brought along his weird sense of humor..
Sunday morning 30th April :

1:00 morning (note the sarcasm hehehe) finally arrived
2:00 pm Ata and Malolo went shopping came back and fixed ludin (lunch/dinner)I think were gonna need to update the new Windows Thesaurus har har...
Tin Tin and Ata made salad, Malolo made us fried chicken and soup. I called Koizumi and sent down juice n ice cream (jokes)
Felise n Shiori came around 4:00pm still plenty of food to go around.
We spent most of the day eating..eatiiiing and eeaaaaaating..
So what constitutes a great weekend : for me.. its great food, great fun..great company.. and an excellent line up of tv shows har har.
Hope yours was just as eventful. Laterzzz

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