Easter Concert 2006.

*Please ignore the dates on the photos somebody forgot to set their digicam..yikes.

Mark is the eldest son of Professor Francisco Fellizar and Dr Nectarinia of the Philippines. He graduated just this March, from Siliman Seminary College and is now a full fletched pastor. When he was a seminary student he did his internship here in Japan at our church with another Japanese student Mikami Azusa. In his time he put on a concert, had the entire service translated into english and set up on the projector for the benefit of us foreigners and started up an International Fellowship on Saturdays. Thanks to him we have more fun activities at church.

Jinggo, Malolo & Sho after the Concert!
Malolo trying to reconcile fact that he's singing in a church not a nightclub!

It was a good day and most of the people who came some as far as Hiji, Nakatsu & Oita City enjoyed themselves. They wished that the program was longer and also in a bigger venue. But I think its good to start small who knows BCON Plaza may be the next place to in da near future but for now it was good enough.

Gorgeous Lynette with sisters Icha and Erlyn out in the foyer after the concert.
Well we can't all be on centerstage (quite liked the movie with the same title) someone has to be in the cheering section. To be honest I purposely refrained from singing as I did not want to upstage anyone (jokes) My singing prowess goes as far as the rooms at karaoke. In there I am free to sing to my hearts content without causing irreparable damage to anyone's ears..but I am happy that at least one member of my nuclear family can sing in tune ha!ha!

We enjoyed ourselves tremendoulsy and we pray that God was glorified through the praise and worship. And that his righteous name was magnified through the voices and talents of his children.

8 lilsifi:
At 11:17 PM,
Peachy.. said…
I came across your blog and it's great. I am part Japanese/Samoan ( my Great-Grandfather -Mom's side was the late Masaichi Shimasaki came to Tutuila and married a lovely Samoan gal and the rest is history...) But what I find most profound is that despite being transplanted into a foreign culture and society, we uphold our morals and values that our parents/elders have taught us. One being-GOD, and attending a body of believers-Church. Po'o le a le toesea ma mamao mai Aiga, tatou maua lava le fa'amafanafanaga pe a tatou mafuta pea i le Atua ma auai i se aulotu... Glad to hear that you and family put God foremost too.. Manuia lava fuafuaga ma galuega ole aso...Soifua..
At 12:26 AM,
dasifi said…
A pleasure to have made ur aquaintance. I can remember when I was young there was a store I think in Fagaalu that belonged to a Frank Shimazaki any relation? Anyways e faasaoina lava le manatu. It is when we are far from home that we realize just how wonderful a closely knit community really is. It is that, which I miss the most but despite being far away from loved ones God is always able and ever faithful. He has provided us with a wonderful church family to be part of. Inspite of the fact that only 1% of Japan's population is Christian he has led us to a church where we can continue to be nurtured spiritually. Japan is a wonderful country and I am grateful for the opportunity to study here but I also believe that the Lord has many wonderful blessings instore for this great nation. Brings to mind the verse "The harvest is great but the workers are few". I pray that the Lord will use us in any way to help communicate his word while we are here.
It was very nice to hear from you.It is wonderful also that you acknowledge ur unique ancestry. God Bless you and yours.
At 1:51 PM,
Peachy.. said…
Wow, Frank Shimasaki is my Grandfather-Mom's Dad. Yes, he had a store in Utulei-but our family hails from Faga'alu.." Frank Shimasaki is still in operation-although our family has leased it to a Kolea - The namesake still remains with the building. What a small world a ea??? Did you live in Faga'alu??? Related to anyone from there?? Your entries bring back so many memories of my University Days @ Northwest Missouri State ( se nu'u mao back lava o Missouri- e leai ni mea o i ai na'o pastures ma povi- ha,ha,). I know very well how to stretch a dollar and how to eat saimin and macaroni/cheese for days on end. But, fa'amalosi ma fa'amaoni e le vale lou taui ma le tama. Have a great week and many blessings.. Tofa...
At 8:03 PM,
dasifi said…
Small world indeed, actually I am from Upolu (Lalovaea to be exact)but my dad is from that hilly inaka place Poloa shucks poor dad.(jokes) Anyways I spent many holidays in Pago as a kid and I remember whenever we would drive to Fagatogo we'd drop by your grandpa's place (I think it at the time it may have been still under your family's management) and they had the most awesome sandwhiches. Coming from Apia where the stores were so stingy on the fillings. The sandwiches at ur grandpa's place were a constant treat for me.
My memory is pretty good when it comes to certain things in my childhood that I hold dear and those sandwiches were amongts my fav things...lol..
Thanks for the words of encouragement it sure is nice to know that there are many others out there who have walked the same path and have made it thru successfully. Thanks again
Much alofas to you and yours.
At 9:56 AM,
Peachy.. said…
My summers were ruined by a slave-driven Uncle who made us work @ the store for a meager penny ( it seemed like it back than.) I might have been your friendly cashier when you stopped in. My Uncle has since passed on but he taught me the worth of a dollar and strong work ethics. Did you try our German Buns, those were my favorite, especially when they were hot ( Well, actually they were my Great Aunty Amy's German Buns but we sold some for her...) Let me stop or I'll make you homesick just thinking about food..Manuia..
At 1:32 PM,
dasifi said…
Salivating just thinking about 'em german buns, they were so da bomb. Their smell would permeate... ok ur rite better stop before someone turns on da waterworks.
They have these buns here that kinda looks like a german bun but its fermented beans inside so you can imagine..ewwww..Ok getting the opposite feeling, feel like throwing up.. catch ya later (blahhhh!!) excuse the mess..lol...
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
omg!my greatgrandfather is Frank Shimasaki too!My grandfather is Fealofani.Francis.Shimasaki!And My great great grandfather is Mazaichi Shimasaki!but I am doin a blog on my family tree and I dont really know Mazaichi Shimasaki's parents.Can someone please help me?
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your answer your looking for is in Koba, Japan.. Mazichi Shimasaki had a brother, long story short look for the book, everything is in the book. Oh! the translated book. Best of Luck. sincerly
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