It's holidays such as these that makes me long for home. Sure enough Mother's Day is celebrated in most parts of the world but I mean what other country acknowledges the contribution of women and celebrates their importance by giving them a
"national holiday." Yes, we Hamos love holidays n we would celebrate anything (well almost) to get the day off *jokes* But really, after a massive calorie overload on Sunday having the next day off is not only great but appreciated.
But what do mother's really want?
Women are not the same (gentlemen please take note!) while some will settle for
... "here u go!" 0r flowers
or a dinner out with the family
Others need something a little more extravagant... a diamond necklace, perhaps a gold bracelet, a pearl the size of an egg, paid overseas vacation..Gucci or Louis Vutton handbag or a Vera Wang gown ..umm in Samoa hello, maybe not..
But there is a whole cross section of women/mothers that don't get to enjoy this particular holiday set up in their honor. There are those who'd rather have a day off from the kitchen and the usual routine of household chores
, who'd give anything for an uninterupted 8 hours of sleep, who'd take a gas stove or microwave over chocolates and roses any day. Who'd appreciate a kind word from her husband and kisses from her children over expensive perfume and jewelry.
There is a lot to be said about Mothers. There is also a lot left unsaid but this coming Mother's Day I think I'm finally gonna let it out . Now that I am a mom myself I know I'd appreciate it and after what I had put my poor mama thru as a teenager and the many years after that she deserves to hear it...
"That she is the best, that I love her and that I am so glad that she is my mom and that I am so blessed to have someone like her in my life. "
I don't think we let our mommy's know enough times how much they are appreciated, we take for granted that they know.
I hope that this coming Mothers Day we can all be like the brave wonderful women who gave us life and let them know how grateful we for their contribution in not only our genetic make up but the people we have become.
"Power and Happiness to all Women especially Mothers All Over the World"
"Mom from the bottom of my heart Thank You and ... 
To all you new and seasoned mothers, expecting mom's,grandmothers, great grandma's, aunts, at home mommy's, career mothers whichever category you fall in. From me to ya'll.

5 lilsifi:
At 4:43 AM,
Coconut Girl said…
Well my mother wants a 42" inch TV which is on a mother's day sale for $799. Bloody hell! I told her, what about a nice bouquet of flowers? Lol. So fingers crossed I win the lotto this weekend so I can get her her darn TV. Heheh.
At 2:59 PM,
dasifi said…
Whats $799 to 2 decades of headaches..lol... u can do it Ninny, mom gets her widescreen tv, u get the Best Daughter Award (lasts about 2 weeks) You can always take it off Cheeku's paycheck so its a win win situation.
At 4:47 AM,
Coconut Girl said…
I gave her $200 towards her new TV. She decided on a bigger one which is $1,119. Actually it's more a father's day gift...coz it's my dad who wants it...and my mum wants NO HEADACHES (what an easy gift) so she's buying the TV for him.
At 5:28 AM,
Peachy.. said…
I just settled to be spoiled and did I ever. Did not lift a finger to do anything, had a couple of outfits etc.. But still the most precious gifts are the ones my son make in his art class and he presents it in a brown lunch bag to surprise me.. JUST PRICELESS......
At 2:59 PM,
dasifi said…
Ninny: Told ya mom's are the most diplomatic people around. They can get two birds with one stone. Your dad's happy which makes her happy n in turn makes everyone happy..lol.
oh well???: Suga that is so sweet, my daughter loves her art work unfortunately we can't really appreciate them as we have to wash them off the walls before the landlord sees them and kick us out of the building but ur absolutely right the simple gifts from the heart such as the ones your son gave you are treasures to cherish for all time.
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