Golden Week in Japan.
Golden Week starts Wednesday 3rd May I think. I am not entirely sure coz I am not really interested**why?** because when I first came to Ritsumeikan APU in 2003 I heard that they used to have a week off in May in celebration of Golden Week. Just my luck they no longer had the week off it was business as usual.. classes and all. Most Japanese people, local govt's and companies celebrate this holiday. I don't really know the history behind it maybe I will read up on it.
Ata and her friend Bessie are supposed to drop by tomorrow on their way down to Saga to meet the others but I tell ya you don't want to be on the road tomorrow afternoon, or on the buses or even at the airport. The Japanese love to take advantage of any holiday that comes their way. Flights fully booked, restraunt seatings a mile long, amusement parks packed, movies shows all sold out, bodies on the beach you name it. It can get really crazy out there. As for me my interest extends only to the weekend hanabi (fireworks) My golden week will be a quiet one not that I ever go anywhere during this time but because I have loads to do. I will just settle in and get them done but for all of you who will be travellin'..don't forget to drink a large dose from that medicine bottle called "Patience" before you head out the door.. you may just need it!
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