Say what you will about husbands/wives/lovers/girl-boyfriends..One thing is for certain, they can love you like mad and drive you beyond crazy..yup yup.. I know what I am talking about. I love my husband to bits.. yep very small bits.. after I have chopped off his limbs, head and third leg choo hoo (JOKES) But seriously no one can get under my skin the way Malolo does. He knows all the right buttons to push, where each is located, maximum damage effect etc and he can literally drive me up the wall you should be able to see the skid marks if you visit our house har!har!

So I have had just about the crappiest Easter of my life. Was able to make it to the dawn service at Rokushoen Koen which was great, but Malolo was really buggin' me so for a minute or two I lost track of the minister's nice sermon. I mentally blocked out the pastor's advice
"to forgive others as our Lord had forgiven us" because Maroroch was annoying me like a bad case of chicken pox with no vaccine in sight. But Thank Goodness for the beautiful sunrise

(my first in Japan yipeee) which was a wonderful manifestation of God's love. It's radiance melted my cold and un relenting heart so in light of the season I,
Tupe the Magnanimous forgave Maroroch the runt for being such an irritating little vermin. har har...

That aside it was such a fabulous day (God never does anything in half measure does he?) We weren't able to make it to our pot luck lunch at the church as I had to go up to the University to print out some papers for my Wednesday meeting. (The campus is really great when it is void of life heh heh) But the good mountain air helped me regain my regal (uh huh) composure.
TRUE God is good all the time and yes all the Time God is Good AMEN!! his grace kept me sane despite the constant urge to drown Malolo in the deepest cesspool I could find hee..hee. But You know I love my husband I can be real hard on him and still he keeps his hands firmly by his side. Yes .. yes a gentleman never lays a hand on a woman especially one that can run her mouth off at a mile a minute (pausing only to throw in a few derogatory remarks that she will regrett later ...Much Much Later har har..)

It's a wonder he still has teeth left from all that grinding I can just imagine the mental picture in Malolo's head ..of me being grounded into fine minced meat, bones n all eww...Mucho information...

Anyways Lisa went up wih me to our cyber lab and I was able to get all the material I needed. Thanks for the company dear. When we returned home Lisa was thinking about going for the 1:30 pm Mass we had already been to the dawn service but hey JC overload is never a bad thing. I on the other hand was just happy to be home again with my little girl despite the piercing dagger looks she was throwing at me when I walked in. (I love you still bebe..)I usually take her to Uni with me but not this time as I had to rush to catch the bus.

So we missed out on all that yummy Korean food we were supposed to have at church but lunch came courtesy of Felise n Shiori who bought Malolo's favorites "
Pizza and Ice Cream" It doesn't take much to please Malolo..which is great for budgeting reasons as well as making it real easy to murder his ass..lol... all I have to do is lace his ice cream with cyanide or sprinkle some toxic stuff on his pizza and Voila.. Lights out and pai pai Maroroch. But what kind of woman would do such a thing to her husband? Am I such a woman? Am I capable of such violence and deep seated hatred??

I guess we can never be sure? There is a little of Dr Jekyl Mr Hyde in all of us. Just depends on what can trigger the beast and force it to rear its ugly head. My husband is my best friend I know that I've stepped on his toes n injured his pride too many a time but he still loves me. (breathes a sigh of relief) But its no wonder why?.. who can resist the Toopstar ne? And no its not Toaster..
its da Toopstar..

Malolo can be a little over the top with his weird kuaback sense of humor and boisterous laugh (which can be quite infectious but heavy on mi sensitive ears yeah right!!) but his heart is always in da right place and that is below his belly button har har.. (jokes)

He may not be a Harvard Graduate with a Swiss bank Accoun, driving an Aston Matin and a Luxury Yatch moored in Beepu Marina but he is all man (or at least i hope so, the jerky hand movements, n careless toss of the head has me wondering sometimes ha!ha!)

So our morning did not exactly start out so great but it looks like it will end on a high.. my baby is making us dinner or something (can't really complain as I am just lazing about) and I've just had a really sensational back massage maybe after dinner I will get a tummy rub too...
I love my Malolo I am content with my choice.. He is a great dad and a fabulous husband yes, he can definately get my knickers in a twist sometimes but when all is said and done he is my best friend, my partner in crime my main supporter and the
love of my life.
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