I remember coming across a beautiful article that talks about people who come into our lives.. How some will stay a while and others only for a fleeting moment. It speaks of those whose memories linger on despite our brief contact but it also makes mention of those who we will cherish our whole lives through. I have met many keepers through the course of my life but since I'm in Japan I will place the emphasis on those who I am so blessed to have crossed paths and hearts here in Nipponland. I will start off with the Samoan crew perhaps in my next visit I will touch on those from other Islands in the Pacific like Palau, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii & Tonga.

It's funny that I had to come here to Japan to meet such wonderful souls like Patricia Margot Florance Netzler, Edna Serena Temese, Felise Paulo Saigo Vaa, Wesley Simamao, Nara Palepa Tupai, Miyuki Suzuki and my dearest Nydia Silipa Aloaina. (There is still sis Taema and husband Dean down in Okinawa, sister Sofia Silipa up in Nigata, brother Fiame Leo and lovely wife Faleolo up in Hokkaido,bros Ben Patu & Mauiliu in Tokyo but I will get to them somehow...) I am so proud that our tiny little island is being well represented by fiesty and determined students. My life has been enriched by their presence and I am a better person because of it.

There is a lot that can be said about our Jen Jen but that will require more than one person writing in her little blog. She is family oriented, a fabulous friend, she can play guitar, piano, drums probably every instrument created. And she sings like an angel granted I have never heard one sing before but I believe that Jen Jen comes pretty close to it. I know that if she were to read this she would probably cringe n say "please aunty take it off".. but that's the great thing about this blog its my own little space and I can praise or diss anyone to my hearts content and there aint nuttin' anyone can do about it neh neh neh neh...Oh I can be so childish at times but I absolutely luv it... I rub it a rot.!!

But in all honesty once you get to know Jenny you will be so taken in with her sweet personality, warm mannerism and gentle heart that :
...If you are a girl you'd want her for a sister...
...If you are a guy you'd wanna ask for her hand in marriage...
...If you are in between you'd want her for a friend as she can lead you to da light
...If you are a mother you'd wish your son would bring home someone like her
...If you are a father you'd wish your own kids had that much sense and talent.
...If you are a friend you'd count your blessings and appreciate what she brings to the relationship.

... If you are a photographer you'd grab ur gear and put urself on da map...
...If you are in trouble she'll have ur back...

I believe that wherever Jenny goes the grace of God will always be with her. She is a young Christian lady who has had her share of pain and heartache. Yet she continues to be steadfast in her trust and love for the Lord. She is the middle child of three children and only girl. Has battled many odds in her young life but her determined spirit and un wavering faith has brought her far and most surely will bring her much success,love and happiness in the future.

Jenny with her lovely young cousin James Fa'aatuatu and our gorgeous Loma chan
Jenny will always be one of those significant people in my life. No matter what happens in the future whether our paths will cross again or not I will always look back at my time here in Japan and recall that most of my fondest memories have Jen Jen in them. I know in my heart I will see Jenny again whether its back here in Japan for her graduate studies or somewhere else for her wedding har har.. I know the Lord will make a way.. But until then, I tip my hat to one of God's beautiful roses.
I love you Jensifer. God Bless

5 lilsifi:
At 8:21 PM,
dasifi said…
The honor is mine Jen Jen. I really am grateful to have you as a part of my life.
At 12:07 PM,
Coconut Girl said…
Thanks for the mention of my name. Yay! I'm famous! Hehe. Thanks Toopstar. I am thankful for your friendship and will treasure it always. All my love to you and the rest of the whanau.
At 3:53 PM,
kuaback said…
hiya dasifi..
strayed onto our blog while checkin out Nydz blogs...great stuff you go goin on here...and its good to see dat mala Felise on here...oka, ua fai le ava a le kamaloa..hehe..
anyways..u have a good one and keep up the great blogs
manuia le aso
At 7:01 PM,
dasifi said… as I have mentioned before you can wring your hands, stamp ur feet, nod ur head or sulk all week ... Just here only here the Toopstar is boss, head honcho, & ruler of everything so I get to write whatever I want.. but really dearest there are not enuff words in da english language to describe u.. tune in next time it will be all in Japanese har har..or maybe Spanish..
At 1:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, guantanamera121212
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